
Introducing CALM Design School

Introducing CALM Design School

Both in my previous professional career and today with Calm In A Box, I truly believe that when it comes to culture and behaviour change, there is no one size fits all. And this is particularly true when it comes to thinking about corporate well-being.UNIQUE

We’re all unique, individual and different. We have different experiences, backgrounds, unique super strengths and therefore different needs. Generic advice can be helpful but it’s when we take time to understand how we make it work for us in our own context that powerful shifts can take place for the better.

Avoiding simple solutions to complex problems

CALM Design School is based on the principle that it’s important not to fall into the trap of thinking simple solutions will fix complex challenges, either at an individual or organisational level.People and organisations need time and space to figure out where they are right now, where they want to get to and then how do they want to close that gap in a way which works for them.

CALM Design School

Using co-creation tools and techniques, we’ll be looking to learn how to challenge current systems and thinking to create human centred CALM design to help you, your team and your organisation – whether that’s just you or you’re part of a huge workforce – to become at least 1% calmer for work/life brilliance.

Next Generation CALM

The CALM Design School is for open minded, curious, next generation CALM leaders who want to innovate and help make real change live and breathe in the 21st century workplace and the wider world.


The concept that we can design for CALM will enable us to look at workplace challenges in a new light, working to co-create human centred projects using an array of practical, thoughtful exercises designed to spark creativity, help solve problems, foster connection and make lives better both at work and at home.

In an era of ambiguous, messy problems as well as extraordinary opportunities for positive change – it’s vital to have both an inquisitive mind and the ability to act with intention.
