case study
Derbyshire Constabulary
Keeping CALM and carrying on through Covid

‘Calm in a Box began working with the Criminal Justice unit of Derbyshire Constabulary during COVID, at a time which had really challenged the team both professionally and personally. Staff responded very positively to the programme, reporting to understand themselves and their own needs better and feeling able to take a different approach. As a team we benefited hugely from working with Calm in a Box.’
Superintendent Claire Hammond, Derbyshire Constabulary
'The force should do more of this and make it a more formal approach - it should start at training school and in induction. We do lots of training but nothing like this.'
CALM programme participant

The size and scope of the challenges facing the modern Criminal Justice system are unprecedented.. And then, back in March 2020, to make matters even worse, Covid hit. The team had to adapt to home working, connecting online whilst implementing a number of high profile and complex change initiatives involving multiple stakeholders, keeping the wheels turning on an ever increasing workload with backlogs building as well as looking after themselves and each other in the process.
To deliver a development and support framework to help the team to adapt to their new ways of working and find better balance with a particular focus on mindset and energy management.
To enable them to deliver their change initiatives successfully.
To protect and preserve connection, community and team identity during a challenging time.
We developed a bespoke CALM development programme which ran over a period of 18 months. Our first step was to collect data using our CALM survey to establish a baseline about how team and organisational culture was working for and against them in their new working context. We then identified CALM change agents and upskilled them via CALM team workshops along with the senior management team. This was underpinned by group coaching to work on individual and team challenges.
- 100% at least 1% calmer as a result of experiencing the CALM team programme
- 100% agree that taking part in the CALM team programme has positively impacted their wellbeing
- 86% agree that taking part in the CALM team programme has positively impacted their work
- 86% agree that taking part in the CALM team programme has positively impacted their work/life balance
- Net Promoter Score – CALM Team Programme – 67, CALMfest – 75
- Team productivity impact – all proposed business change initiatives completed along with required upskilling/cross skilling