
Cooper Parry join 1% CALMer club

Cooper Parry become first to sign up to our latest workplace wellbeing initiative, our brand new 1% CALMer club.

Leading accountancy firm Cooper Parry is the first organisation in the UK to make a pledge to
finding a better work/life balance for its employees by signing up to a unique workplace wellbeing

The firm, which has offices in the Midlands and also London, is one of the founder members of the
1% CALMer Club.
The aim of the 1% CALMer Club is to develop a community for progressive leaders and change makers which supports organisations and their employees to build connections, maximise energy and ignite motivation in the workplace.

Members will have access to a community of thought leaders and be offered tailored support, plus chance to take part in face-to-face events and experiences throughout the year.

Sarah Markham, Founder and CEO of Calm In A Box said: “I am excited to launch the 1% CALMer Club and delighted that Cooper Parry are one of the first organisations to sign up.
“Smart organisations like Cooper Parry recognise the need to look after employees holistically. They
understand that you can’t run a business sustainably on traditional mindsets; most people are
juggling many different things like family life and work. Those companies who are progressive know
that they need to support people to better navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st
century workplace.
“To do well, you need to be well. It’s all about helping people find balance in a way which works for them.”

April Homer, Chief People Officer of Cooper Parry, said: “We are so excited to have joined the 1% CALMer club. I have been a huge fan of Sarah’s mission for some time and the work that Calm In A Box does.”
“When the 1% CALMer club launched, it was a bit of a no-brainer really, as to whether or not to be
involved; a programme that focuses on the holistic wellbeing of our people in a structured and well
thought out approach that makes it easy for busy companies to introduce an initiative where
everyone wins…what’s not to love.
“We can’t wait to see the impact this programme has and hope that by taking part and sharing our
journey, it encourages others to get involved too.”

If you’re interested in finding out more about our 1% CALMer club, get in touch –
